NCOPA March 2022 Newsletter


We reflect on the goal of the Olympic Movement to contribute to building a peaceful and better world.

We reflect on the Olympic Truce and how the Olympic and Paralympic Games see nations coming together to compete and celebrate a common pursuit of excellence in pushing the boundaries of human abilities.

We reflect on the Olympic and Paralympic Values of:

Excellence – Respect – Friendship

Determination – Inspiration – Courage – Equality

We hope to see peace restored to the world soon.

Call for Nominations for the NCOPA Executive Officers 

In an effort to elect leadership for the NCOPA executive team, we are asking for your support to identify a slate of eligible individuals who will appear on an official ballot to elect your new Executive Officers. Please take a moment to review the eligibility criteria, then let us know your interest in serving in this capacity.

Based on our NCOPA Constitution and Bylaws (link to file), the next steps in the Chapter election is to create a slate of Executive Officers including President, Vice Presidents (2), Secretary and Treasurer. 

Eligibility Criteria for President

Meet the definition of a Regular United States Olympic and Paralympic Association (USOPA) Member and Regular NCOPA Member.

Eligibility Criteria for Vice Presidents (2), Secretary and Treasurer

Meet the definition of a Regular NCOPA Member.

USOPA Regular Member: Everyone who has been an athlete member of the official U.S. delegation at any Olympic or Paralympic Games. Regular membership in the USOPA shall begin and automatically occur at the completion of each Olympic or Paralympic Games for which the official U.S. delegation was named. (link to governance documents)

NCOPA Regular Membership is open to anyone who has represented the USA or other nation and recognized and accredited by the USOPC, IPC, and/or IOC as an Olympic or Paralympic competitor, official, manager, coach, trainer, or other personnel, subscribes to the mission and purpose of this organization and currently lives, or has lived, within the Northern California Region and Vicinity. Membership may be extended to otherwise eligible persons from states outside of the Northern California Region, or to members in good standing who move out of the Northern California Region.

In order to collect names and identify possible executive officers, a Nomination Form is below. Please fill out the form and return with an optional headshot by April 11th, 2022 via email to:

Nomination Form (pdf version)

Nomination Form (doc version)

Paralympians Can Now Apply for PLY!

IPC introduces PLY post-nominal titles to recognize Paralympians. (link to article)

Paralympians are invited to apply to use the post-nominal letters by completing an online registration form. Following approval from the IPC of the PLY status, Paralympians will be able to use their post-nominative letters and download a certificate of recognition.

As a reminder, Olympians also have the option to apply for the OLY post-nominal title here.

Congratulations to all our Northern California Olympic and Paralympic Association (NCOPA) Beijing 2022 Paralympic and Olympic Games Athletes, Coaches, and Staff!

Please stay in touch! 

For all our new Olympic and Paralympic Participants with ties to Northern California, to make sure you receive information on our news and events please drop us an email at with your name, sport/event, role (athlete, coach, staff), games participation years, and country represented!